What are 5 ways you can share the Gospel? Some ways you can share include…

  1. A Treasure Hunt

  2. Blessing Others

  3. Water and Waves

  4. Life Conversation Guide App

  5. Praying for Someone

1. Treasure Hunts consist of asking God for specifics about one or more people. Specifics such as Who, What, When, Where, Why or How will give you incite into who or what you are looking for. God may give you information about an article of clothing that person is wearing such as color, design, print, etc… He may give you a location, time, date or something He wants you to share with that person. Usually the Lord will give someone something to say to someone. Treasure Hunt’s give you a way to let people know that God loves them, confirm something for them, pray for or change someones life in a good way.

2. Blessing Others is another tool you can use to tell others about God. You can even include this in your Treasure Hunt. You can do something as simple as asking the Lord what you can do to bless someone else. Example: You can buy a specific coffee, snack or do other random act of kindness the Lord reveals to you for someone.

3. Water and Waves is handing out water bottles to people on the beach. However, you don’t have to hand out water on the beach. Handing out water to people is an ice breaker so you can talk to someone, get to know them or pray for them.

4. An App can be used on your phone to share Jesus with others.

For Android users open your play store app and search for an app called, “Life Conversation Guide” at https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.sendnetwork.lifeconversation.

Apple users can go here: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/life-conversation-guide/id879490935.

We call this the three circles. With this app you can tell the story about how to have a relationship with Jesus. The app has a video and instructions on how to use it. To find out more about this app go to http://lifeonmissionbook.com/conversation-guide.

5. Praying for someone is sometimes a good method for starting out. You can go in groups of two or three at the most. When you have too many people at one time it can overwhelm the person. You can go to someone and tell them you are going out into the community and are asking people if they would like prayer. Asking someone if they would like prayer for anything is also a good opportunity to share the Gospel. Most of the time in my experience I have never had anyone reject prayer.

Here’s a challenge for you…

Go, pray for or share Jesus with someone!


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